Aims of our CCA Programme
Our programme aims to give a more complete and balanced education. It teaches our pupil through informal instruction, the values of sharing, teamwork co-operation, friendship and other qualities which are essential in character-building for the sake of self and nation-building.
Pupils with special talents or potential in these areas of interests will be nurtured and guided to attain higher levels of achievement and to win glory and honour for themselves, their families and even our nation.
We would like to develop in each of our pupils a life-long skill or an area of interest that he or she could pursue as a life-long recreational activity.
CCA participation is COMPULSORY. All students must have at least one CCA and they are not allowed to change their CCA without the permission of the Principal or HOD/CCA
As required by Ministry of Education’s CCA policy, the School Band, National Cadet Corps (NCC) and the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) are mandatory CCAs for all secondary schools. Pupils in these CCAs are not permitted t change their CCA during their school years except for medical reasons.
CCA Attachment & Allocation Policy
CCA Selection Policy
(Updated 27 December 2024)
CCA Grading System – LEAPS Award
LEAPS 2.0 recognises students’ experiential learning and attainment in the Four domains of the Co-Curriculum as they progress through their Secondary School years. At the end of the graduating year, Students’ Co-Curriculum attainment will be translated to bonus point(s) which can be used for Admission to Junior Colleges / Polytechnics / Institutes of Technical Education (ITE).
The Four Domains are:
1. Participation
- recognises the Student’s participation in School-based Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) for the development of specific knowledge and skills, be it in Clubs and Societies (C&S), Physical Sports, Uniformed Groups (UG) or Visual and Performing Arts (VPA);
2. Achievement
- recognises the different levels of representation and accomplishment in the Student’s Involvement in School or other External Organisations;
3. Leadership
- recognises the development of the Student’s Leadership dispositions - as an individual who can lead him/her self, work with others in a team and grow as a leader to become a confident person;
4. Service
- recognises the Student’s development as an individual who is socially responsible and understands his/her role in contributing to the well-being of others
For more detailed information, please refer to this link: CCA Leaps 2.0