Learning for Life Programme (LLP)
Learning for Life Programme (LLP)
Springfield views character development as an integral part of our Student’s holistic education. We also believe that every Student is a student leader, capable of contributing to the community and nation. Our blueprint for nurturing all Students to be ‘Lifelong Learners, Exemplary Leaders’ through the School’s Learning for Life Programme in Community Youth Leadership (LLP-CYL) is encapsulated in our Student Development framework, named L.E.A.D (Leaders for Excellence, Action and Development).
It is a guide to infuse values education, impart skills and competencies to prepare our Students as future leaders in their respective fields through various platforms in Character and Citizenship Education (CCE), Values in Action (VIA) and Student Leadership Development (SLD). The programmes are also segmented by the 3Es of Progressive Development, namely Expose, Engage and Empower, with the learning getting richer as we move down the spectrum.
The Building Blocks for Learning Framework
Pamela Cantor and K.Brooke Stafford-Brizard designed the Building Blocks for Learning Framework (Figure 1) which represents the skills and mindsets that Students use to access, acquire and apply the academic content prioritized in classrooms.
Intensive research was done to develop this framework for comprehensive Student Development and a copy of the paper can be found HERE. On closer scrutiny of the Building Blocks for Learning Framework, we found great similarities in the Building Blocks with localised initiatives as illustrated in Figure 2 below.
Using the Building Blocks for Learning Framework as a guide, our School Programmes are designed to provide for progression in a Student’s growth as segmented by the 3Es of Progressive Development. A graphical representation can be seen below where attainment or participation in the lower tiers will provide Students with the opportunity for growth in the higher tiers and how it ties in with the G.E.A.R Framework.
Springfield’s Learning for Life Programme (LLP), centred around the School’s Values, aims to cultivate a pervasive Community Youth Leadership (CYL) Culture by instilling in Students the importance of social responsibility and volunteerism. This is done through a progressive tiered-approach (G,E,A,R) where Students are provided with platforms at cohort level or specific group level to be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge that is developmental in nature. The G.E.A.R approach articulates the area of focus for each cohort of Students, with specialized programmes that are specially planned and put in place to develop Students in the respective area of focus.
In Secondary ONE - the area of focus is on getting Springfielders to be “Grounded in Values”. The self-leadership modules conducted during the Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) lessons inculcate and reinforce School Values and Social-Emotional Competencies where Students are given the opportunity to put into practice this learning in the School-based Values-in-Action (VIA) Programmes.
In Secondary TWO - the area of focus is to create platforms and opportunities for Students to be “Engaged to Learn and Lead”. The key focus will be on Experiential Learning and/or exposure to different learning platforms and opportunities, through the leadership and service learning modules that are conducted in collaboration with National Agencies such as PA and NEA as well as VIA opportunities planned with our community partners such as Tampines West Community Club, Tampines Town Council and Voluntary Welfare Associations in the Tampines Region. Through the various learning platforms and opportunities, Students will experience authentic and relevant learning, putting into practice elements of Classroom Learning and moving from abstract understanding to practical implementation.
In Secondary THREE - we want Springfielders to “Aspire to Serve” and the key focus will be in creating multiple platforms and programmes for them to apply their leadership and service learning knowledge and skills learnt. By embarking on purposeful, meaningful and self-initiated VIA Activities, Students will be given opportunities to explore areas of Self, peer and community leadership. Students who exhibited greater leadership potential are also provided with the opportunity to perform in higher order tasks such as taking on the role of Student Leaders and leading teams.
In Secondary FOUR and FIVE - the key focus will be on personal development and Springfielders should be “Ready to Soar” and leave a legacy as they prepare to move into the next phase of their lives. This is done through the conduct of a comprehensive ECG Programme as part of the CCE Curriculum, and the platform to showcase their self and peer management through the conceptualization and implementation of a Student-Initiated VIA Projects.